Happy 2019 dear friends!
It’s really Meb here, two months cancer-free after a year of treatments! Many thanks to Allie, who kept communication going throughout: telling you about upcoming shows and other news of “importance”, keeping the website current, plus plugging us into the social media circuit.
At the end of 2017, we’d made a 5-year plan. For several years, I’d been anxious to retire or move on to a different career or sell my business or… something! Now that my chemo-brain is lessening, I’m able to see more clearly what’s really been nagging me; a year of illness brings slow insights.
What I realized during my enforced rest is that I LOVE making spoons, I ADORE teaching and I truly ENJOY meeting you all at shows. I don’t want to stop!
But I don’t love my cold, dark office at the workshop, nor the paperwork that ties me to it. I really dislike the frenzy before shows, prepping lots of work in too short a time. We both get exhausted setting up and breaking down shows. I’m truly not fond of production work (same thing over and over…). And I need to spend more time at our homestead—my life’s work, I feel. My purpose.
Over the year, we’ve come up with several solutions.
Now I’m doing more office work at home in a cozy sun-lit nook next to the wood stove. Here I can keep an eye on the exciting projects going on, lend a hand to Tom when needed and do my part in between the dratted paperwork.
Both Ethan (workshop assistant since 2006) and Pat (final inspection, oiling expert and bill payer since 2015) are taking on more responsibility, easing me out of many organizational roles so I can spend more time doing what I LOVE!
We’ll be doing fewer shows in 2019 and hope to hire more assistance for set-up and load-out. Our newly-indoor-accessible and temperature-regulated root cellar makes gardening a priority.
We’ve begun a schedule of more regular workshop hours during the week, building up stock to prevent the back-up just before shows. And we both want to make more funky, fun, elegant, unique, original work, maybe using some of the bits and stumps and knots and ….. that we’ve been saving for years!
With Allie’s help, I hope to make it easier to order on-line (yes, I know I said that last year....) if you’re not near a show.
But our big news is that in 2019 we finally hope to build our workshop at home! We’ve had the foundation boulders laid since 2001, so we’re more than ready! We’re not sure when we can begin, therefore when we’ll finish, but that’s another reason for doing fewer shows.
Of course the new workshop will be off-grid, necessitating more powerful systems than we have in the house. But this will make teaching, Open Studios and workshop visits more exciting as we’ll be able to show how amazing sustainable power is!
So that’s it! Our dreams for 2019. We hope you’ll be part of our future as we continue to explore the beauty of New England hardwoods and sustainable living!
With love and gratitude,