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Sometimes we’re asked to reproduce a special piece. We LOVE that! We work best using the actual piece as a guide, but can work from pictures, too. We’ll give you a price, and then, if you want a perfect match, a small “matching” charge. Since we didn’t design them, we use our TM brand for these pieces.
This early 18th century spoon (bottom spoon) is owned by a neighbor who is an historical re-enactor. He wanted a reproduction spoon so he could leave the valuable antique at home when portraying his character at events.
The original was made by a New England Indian—a Pequot or Massachusett--probably of a Maple burl. It’s meant to hang from a belt for traveling and is smooth and well-seasoned after 300 years of use! I made the duplicate of maple and left it unfinished so he could season it himself. What a thrill to hold History in my hands! |
I made the spoon on the right last fall. It was bought by a right-handed New Jersey man who loves to cook. This year he came to a spring show and sheepishly said that he thought the spoon was a leftie (he was correct) and could I match the spoon for him? It’s a lovely dark Maple—a lot of heartwood in streaks with a gentle curl. Fortunately Tom found some similar wood and I made him a rightie. |
My friend found this in a thrift store and wanted an improved version. The original had pieces missing on the bowl, but the hook was the selling point. It's always there! I beefed up the handle for more comfortable stirring as well. The new version is available on our newest web page - Fresh From the Workshop. |