Have a favorite spoon? Old or New; we can duplicate so you can share with friends and family.
...Travel to Denmark
When Shari B went to her family reunion in Denmark last year, she wanted to bring personal gifts made in America of New England wood to the whole clan. So she asked me to copy her favorite spoon (made by me the previous year).
Grandma Riika's Spoon...
Dear Meb, My grandmother was a tiny woman with a large personality and a long name. Amanda Fredriika Talviainen Huhtala Johnson came to America from Finland in the early 1900s.
Riika, as she was called by her many siblings, retained her sunny personality and love of Finnish music and dancing for her entire life. Her kitchen was always filled with wonderful scents of nourishing and yummy hot cereals, puddings, and stews that she cooked on her old black, coal burning stove.
I was fortunate to inherit her long handled, deep bowled wooden spoon (center spoon in each photo) and treasured it for many years until last year when a small piece of the bowl broke off. Fortunately, Meb assured me that she could repair my grandma's spoon and also replicate it for my children, sister, and two cousins.
Now, thanks to Meb and Tom, all six of us have a replica of my grandmother's spoon to remind us of her grand spirit and loving demeanor. Beverly J, Woodstock, CT